Erasmus+ Programme, Statistical factsheets on the achievements of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (2014-2020)

Vasiliki Botsi
Vasiliki Botsi • 18 March 2024
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As part of the Erasmus+ programme (2014-2020), Erasmus Mundus supports the implementation of prestigious, integrated, international Master programmes, jointly delivered by international consortia of HEIs. It provides financial support to institutions and scholarships to the best candidates worldwide. - Factsheet 1 : Participation of the Programme Countries HEIs (excellence and inclusiveness) - Factsheet 2 : Partner Country scholarship holders mobility - Factsheet 3 : Programme Country scholarship holders mobility - Factsheet 4 : Scholarship holders’ mobility to Partner Countries - Factsheet 5 : Statistical analysis of the main project features - Factsheet 6 : Overview of the participating Higher Education Institutions

You can read and download the report by following the link.

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