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Labour market insertion of African graduates. The experience of Erasmus Mundus

Deborah Arnold
Deborah Arnold

The European Commission and the EACEA are organising an Erasmus Mundus regional seminar in Kenya on 2-3 April 2025, focused on the labour market prospects of Erasmus Mundus graduates in Africa.

This seminar will gather approximately 60 participants (both onsite and online), including representatives from Erasmus Mundus consortia, African industry partners, labour market representatives, stakeholder organisations from Africa and the EU, as well as African students and alumni. Together, we will examine the career paths of African higher education graduates, explore how Erasmus Mundus can better align with labour market needs in different regions in Africa, and highlight the potential of partnerships between higher education institutions, industry and civil society.

Please note that participation is by invitation only. Documentation relating to the seminar (State of Play Report and seminar proceedings) will be published on this page and will be publicly available.