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Country Page | Montenegro

Georgina Boixereu Vozmediano
Georgina Boixereu Vozmediano • 10 July 2024
Country Pages Montenegro

General information about the higher education system in the country

Montenegro is a signatory country of Bologna process as of 2003 and the elements of the Bologna process are incorporated in Montenegrin Higher Education (HE) legislation. Implementation of HE is based on the principles of the Law on HE (the last one amended in June 2017). Strategic objectives for HE development are formulated in the Strategy for the Development of HE 2016-2020. New Law on HE as well as new strategic documents are under development.

According to the Law, HE in Montenegro may be provided by the universities and other higher education institutions accredited and licensed in accordance with the Law on Higher Education. Montenegro has one public and three private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), one independent public faculty and four independent private faculties. The University of Montenegro (UoM) is the only public university established in 1974. Public as well as private HEIs are covered by the same Law on HE. The Ministry of Higher Education issues the license to an institution after the accreditation process. The body in charge of the quality assurance in HE and the regulation of the accreditation process is the Agency for Control and Quality assurance of Higher Education, established in 2017. Law on HE recognizes three types of external evaluation of HEIs:

  • Accreditation of study programmes
  • Reaccreditation of institutions
  • Accreditation of Life Long Learning programmes which the Agency is obliged to implement based on European Standards and Guidelines through the help of selected experts.

Educational activities are carried out through academic and applied study programmes. The applied study programmes are more work-related and do not have the possibility to organize the doctoral level of studies. HEIs in Montenegro may be financed from different sources like founder’s funds, tuition fees, donations, property income, projects and contracts, technology transfer as well as other sources in accordance with the Law. Private HEIs can also receive limited financial support from the Ministry. Support is limited to those students who attend the study programmes that are of public interest and not carried out at the public HEIs. At the Montenegrin HEIs, study programmes are organized in 3 levels; undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level in the form of 3+2+3 model. Within the public HEIs, the first two cycles are tuition-free for those students who pass the exams regularly. For doctoral studies, tuition fee is mandatory and its level is proposed by the faculties and adopted by the Governing board of the University. The total number of students in Montenegro is approximately 26000 out of which 21000 (approx.) attending education at the UoM. Percentage of doctoral students among the students’ population is quite low and does not exceed 2%. Strategic goals of the HE in Montenegro are in the domain of improving the quality of education and the creation of competitive staff, harmonization with the labor market needs, creation of better performances of the scientific and research work going along with the increased scientific visibility of the universities as well as better ranking possibilities, internationalization (especially by attracting the incoming mobility of students and staff). 

Information on recent policy updates, major reforms and related news

Since 2010, there have been many changes when it comes to laws on higher education as well as study models. These changes did not allow for the continuity needed in higher education. The last Law of higher education was adopted in 2019. Since then, there have been many amendments to this Law. Due to the necessity to prepare legal framework that will have a long-term orientation, and in order to create new mechanisms for ensuring the quality of higher education, improve practical and new methodology for teaching and learning, the status of academic staff, enrolment policy and internationalization, a working group was created in order to start the drafting of the new Law on Higher Education. However, due to the lack of consensus between the Ministry on one hand and members of the working group from HEIs, students, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders on the other hand, the process was stopped. In the meantime, the new Ministry of Education was formed and drafting of the Law was initiated again, but the process was stopped and, unfortunately, it was not completed. In accordance with the identified needs, new trends in higher education, recommendations from the European Commission Report for Montenegro, it is necessary to adopt new regulations.

When it comes to the strategic framework, the situation is similar to the regulatory one. The Higher Education Development Strategy 2016-2020 is currently in force. A new version for 2023-2027 was also prepared, but it has not yet been adopted. The strategy points out three main priorities: better harmonization of study programs with labor market needs and adequate recognition of new qualifications; quality assurance system harmonized with standards of quality assurance system within EHEA and ERA and strengthening of the role of higher education at an international level, especially good practices at an international level. 

Information about relevant projects and initiatives


Project name 


Length of project 




MARDS: Reforming doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania – good practice paradigm 


The objective of the project are to restructure doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania in line with Salzburg Principles and to establish sustainable and modern Joint Doctoral Schools for Montenegro and Albania that will serve as an example of “good practice” for WB region. 



Doctoral education 


DigNest: Digital entrepreneurial nest and industry 4.0 in Montenegro 

The project is focused to support modernization of HEIs in Montenegro by enhancing their cooperation with wider businesses in order to maximise the benefits from digital technologies in priority areas of agriculture and health while ensuring that students graduates, future experts and the workforce are adapting to the digital area. 


Digitization process; digital research centers; support to local industries; modernization of HEIs; cooperation with business 


IESP: Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning  

Improving international competitiveness and visibility of Montenegrin HEIs 


internationalization strategies; internationalization of research and innovation 


DUALMON: Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Montenegro higher education  

The project aims to improve the competences of higher education graduates in Montenegro, through the development of generic model of dual education (DUALMON model) and legal framework for introduction of dual education in order to support different needs and interests of students, companies, higher education institutions (HEIs) in the country and to provide recommendations to HEIs for implementation of dual education in Montenegro. 


dual education 


STAND: Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities  

The project aims to improve the processes and mechanisms of the university autonomy by increasing the management capacities, accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities. 


university autonomy; quality assurance  


IDEA: Inclusive tertiary education in the Western Balkans 

The aims of the project are to improve access, establish inclusive education learning conditions and develop employment opportunities for SwD and students with learning difficulties in the Western Balkans 


Inclusive education; equity of HE