Participants and staff at the NEO-ICP-ENFP Meeting 2024

NEO-ICP-ENFP Meeting 2024


We were delighted to host the Erasmus National Focal Points from around the world in Brussels on 23-25 January 2024.

This meeting was the first time that all the ENFPs had been brought together in one location, to learn more about their roles and to receive training on the Erasmus+ programme and the wide range of support available to them.

It was also an opportunity for the ENFPs to network with the International Contact Points from the Erasmus+ National Agencies, and with representatives of the National Erasmus+ Offices.

All of the available presentations can be found in this article. (Please note that you must be logged in to the ENFP Community Website to see this article. If you are not yet a member of the ENFP community, please login to this website and request to join the ENFP community).